This term Nga Rau Rangatira's topic had been based around Rongoa Maori. We are learning all about the different types of rongoa plants. We have learnt a lot of information about rongoa: The types of karakia to do before you pick it, how different types of rongoa plants help, and so many different things to do with rongoa maori
What is rongoa?
Rongoa is a traditional maori medicine made using the native plants of Aotearoa. Such as Kumarahou, Kawakawa, Tupakihi, Tataramoa, Korari/Harakeke and Manuka are the six main (most common) types of rongoa
What is puriri?
Puriri is an endemic evergreen to New Zealand.
It's scientific name is a Vitex Lucens
A puriri is a forest tree, it has red berries
and shiny green leaves. A lot of plants in New Zealand
have white or green flowers. The tubular flowers
on the puriri look like snapdragon flowers.
Medicinal Properties
Boiled leaves are used to make a drink.
It is good for treating ulcers and the boiled
leaves are used to treat strains
and backache. It is also used internally
to cure sore throats.